Sunday November 10th

Good afternoon all, Welcome to church camp weekend! We’ve had a few bumps in the road to get here, but we’re here. Church camp is always a fantastic time to grow deeper in Jesus and also grow deeper with each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. This weekend...

Sunday October 27th

Hello everybody, We live in a world where every day we hear a mixture of good news and bad news from all manner of news sources. Very often the bad news seems to overwhelm us and the good news we may hear. The word gospel means “good news”. It’s the good news of Jesus...

Sunday October 20th

Good afternoon all, We deal with many trials and challenges in this fallen world, and they can test us to the very end of ourselves at times. Sometimes it feels like there is wave after wave of stuff that just keeps rolling in on top of us. It’s in these times...

Sunday October 13th

Hello all, Peace is a wonderful and beautiful frame of mind and a flourishing place to live in. Peace gives us clear air to breathe and a safe space to find rest and security. The peace that God brings is the ultimate peace we all need and can thrive in. Colossians...

Sunday October 6th

Good afternoon all, It’s highly important that we see our sovereign Lord as the happiest and holy God that He is. God is full of perfect and abundant joy. Currently, we know mixed feelings and emotions of sadness and joy in this world due to our sinful state,...

Sunday September 29th

Good afternoon all, Back in the day before television, all we had for sport, news, and entertainment was the voices of the radio. The news, sport, and entertainment of the day had to be communicated to us by words only and not by video. Words are very powerful when we...