Good afternoon friends,
As you read through the book of Acts you see a glorious work of the Spirit making disciples and growing the kingdom of Jesus Christ. Peter, Paul, and the other Apostles with all believers went about proclaiming the gospel, and the Spirit worked to draw people to Jesus. It was exciting and wonderful to see the kingdom grow. The Holy Spirit also directed the Apostles to plant churches for the new believers with solid structures to help grow health in these churches.
Acts 14:23 (ESV) — 23 And when they had appointed elders for them in every church, with prayer and fasting they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed.
God’s plan is for the local church to shepherd and grow disciples of Jesus Christ. God’s plan is for the local church to be well-ordered and organised to help people flourish in the gospel. It’s not perfect, but thank God for the local church!
This weekend at Exchange Church:
- ECY – EC Youth kicks off for 2024. At the church Friday @ 7:00pm.EC Sunday gathering @ 10:00am.
- Sunday lunch after the service. A great place to build relationships over a bite to eat.
- EC Kids starts this Sunday. Woohoo say the parents!
- EC Corporate prayer, Sunday @ 5:00pm in the lounge.
This week we start a new sermon series, 1 Timothy titled “Healthy Household”. This is a sermon series teaching us to see good order and structure in the local church and how God uses that to grow His kingdom.
This Sunday 1 Timothy 1:1-20 “The Foremost”.
Please read 1 Timothy 1 before Sunday. Also, it would be super helpful to read 1 Timothy in one sitting as well beforehand, it takes about 15 mins to read it through.
In Christ,