I am New

New to the area? Visiting? Looking for a church home?

Or just found us online?

Let us help you get connected.

Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. Romans 15:7

A Word

From Pastor Todd

Thanks so much for jumping onto our website.

We are a community of believers who have discovered the joy of knowing Jesus Christ. We welcome all people to come join with us on a journey in a growing relationship with Jesus. Across all ages and stages, we do community together, sharing life with all of its ups and downs. From our EC creche group, kids, youth, young adults, young families, growing families, and retirees we are all there to glorify God and strengthen each other. So please know you are invited to journey with us following Jesus Christ.

What’s the next step?

You can start this journey by contacting us now and then by visiting us in person at our Sunday gatherings. We look forward to meeting you!

Pastor Todd Hall

Where and when do we meet?

10am each Sunday. We use the original club rooms of the Shepparton Harness Racing Club located at 7580 Goulburn Valley Hwy, Kialla, 3631.

What if I have Children?

We run a Kids Church program from 18 months to Year 6 inclusive during the school term. Your child is most welcome to join in, you also can stay with your child to help them feel comfortable. Please note there is a sign in / sign out book at the back of the church. Our course structure is Biblically based, and more information can be found on our Kids Church page.

What Do I Wear?

Whatever you feel comfortable in! We dress in casual clothes. We’re much more interested in meeting you than in what you choose to wear.

What to expect when I arrive?

You will be greeted at the front door by our welcome team and given a Welcome Pack which has more information about Exchange Church as well as a Connect Card. We would encourage you to fill in the Connect Card before you leave so that we can make contact with you. Please feel comfortable to sit anywhere in the worship hall and after the service, stay around for a cuppa and some conversation so we can get to know you a bit better.

What’s Worship Like?

People of all ages enjoy the atmosphere they find in our Worship services. Inspiring teaching from the bible, worship songs and communion twice a month with fellow believers are some of the things that create an atmosphere that allows us to worship Jesus Christ together.


We do not pass around an offering plate during the service, rather we have an offering box at the back of the church. Most people these days give via direct transfer into a church bank account, which we encourage. Giving is one of the joys in being a part of the church, not just our money but also the giving of ourselves in ministry. There is no pressure to give, giving to God’s work can only come from the heart.

Lunch down at the Lake

During the warmer months, often a group of people from Exchange Church will gather down at Victoria Park Lake for lunch. Most people just purchase something at a fast food establishment to bring to the park.  So throw your folding chair in the car and ask the question if you haven’t heard if it’s on. This is a great opportunity for us to get to know you as you get to know us in a relaxed environment.

New Comers Event

Throughout the year we run informal gatherings for new people who have come along to Exchange Church. This is a great opportunity for you to hear and understand a bit more about Exchange Church and more importantly, an opportunity to ask questions.


Life Explored

​We regularly run Life Explored evenings, which are a relaxed and informal way of sharing the best news you can ever hear. This course will help anyone uncover what they’re really living for, and see how, in Christ, God meets their deepest desires for happiness.


After you get to know Exchange Church and the people in the church, it would be wonderful to have you come OnBoard! Some churches use the term membership to represent this next step. We run two informal sessions after church where you can get to know in greater detail what Exchange Church is about before you make the decision to come OnBoard

Exchange Church Meets 10am each Sunday @Shepparton Harness Racing Club,
7580 Goulburn Valley Hwy, Kialla, 3631.

Exchange Church

10am @ 7580 Goulburn Valley Hwy, Kialla.

Please make contact with us...