EC Kids Church
Exchange Kids Church is from 18 months to Year 6 inclusive
We must make reaching and teaching the next generation a top priority, as this is a mission field for the future Church.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14
Our Environment
We provide a safe place for children to learn and grow. Exchange Kids is split into three classes: Creche, Kinder-Grade 2, & Grades 3-6, and each class has one teacher and assistant. All classes are combined initially for a time of welcome and singing, before splitting into three separate areas for a time of Bible Lessons.
“All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.”
– Isaiah 54:13 –
Biblical Teaching
Our Kids Church program is 100% Bible Based! Exchange Kids is not designed to be a babysitting/entertaining service. Each week the children open God’s Word and see for themselves the amazing truths found in there. We use a curriculum called KidsWise which helps us present these Gospel Truths at age appropriate levels. Children are also encouraged to hide God’s Word in their heart by memorising Bible verses.
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
– Proverbs 22:6 –
EC Kids Church Newsletter
Kids Ministry isn’t just about offering a program – it’s also about partnering with parents – who at the end of the day are going to be the biggest influences in their child’s spiritual growth. So EC kids ministry is also about partnering with parents, and equipping/resourcing them as much as we can.
The newsletter is designed to be another way to connect with parents – letting them know about what we’re learning about each term, as well as offering them encouragement and tips in their parenting.

EC Kids Church Mission & Vision
Our desire is to connect our children to Jesus, and disciple them to grow stronger
in their relationship with Him.
“All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.”
-Isaiah 54:13-
A Word
From Our EC Kids Church Ministry Leader
Welcome! My name is Hannah and I am responsible for coordinating a team of wonderful teachers in our Exchange Kids Sunday School program. Jesus calls us to ‘go and make disciples’. It’s a wonderful privilege as teachers to be able to follow Jesus’ commission and spread the truth of God’s Word with young children – who are so open to hearing the Gospel!
Every Sunday during the school term our children meet together to open God’s Word and dig deep to discover God’s amazing truths and grow in their faith in Him – all at a level they can comprehend. If you are visiting Exchange Church, your children are more than welcome to come and join in our program! You also are welcome to stay with your child in Kids Church to help them feel comfortable.
Hannah Gibbs
Specific Details about EC Kids Church
Core Values
Exchange Kids is Christ centred. Our children are taught that the Bible is true and relevant. Our prayer is that the children’s lives will be transformed by the Gospel, and that they will be equipped to share Jesus with others.
What To Expect
The children attend the first part of church with their parents/guardians before heading out to Exchange Kids partway through. For the first 15 minutes all the children remain together for a time of singing and praising God, before splitting into their age appropriate groups. Here they will spend time studying God’s Word, learning memory verses, and engaging in crafts, games and other activities.
Sign In / Sign Out
All children are signed into Exchange Kids by their parent/guardian. At the end of the service parents sign their children out of Exchange Kids when collecting them. Families that plan on attending Exchange Church regularly are asked to complete an enrolment form.
About our Teachers
All teachers are committed Christians who believe in putting Christ first and teaching His truths to the Children.
Teachers are expected to not only profess a faith in Christ, but to also live out a Christian life in their everyday lives. All teachers have current Victorian Working With Children Checks, complete annual Safe Ministry Training courses, and take part in ongoing training.
Who do we cater for?
Children meet in the following groups:
- Preschool (18 months – 3 years old)
- Kinder – Grade 2
- Grades 3 – 6
Food and Allergies
Children in the preschool group have a snack time during their lesson. Please provide a simple snack for your child but avoid anything that contains nuts.
Any allergies are to be clearly written on the Sign In/Sign Out sheet (for visiting children), or on the enrolment form (for regular attendees).