EC Congregational Survey 2024 Welcome to the EC All Congregational Survey This survey is anonymous. Please only complete this survey once. To continue please press the 'Next' Button below Why a Survey? The Eldership under the direction of the Holy Spirit is always seeking the Spirits wisdom and guidance with the leading of Exchange Church. This survey is one of the tools to assist us to hear directly from the congregation in taking an annual snapshot of the congregation to further our understanding of how the Spirit is working amongst us. The questions have an optional comments field in which if you like you can add any comments as to why you chose a particular response. The time you spend doing this survey is appreciated in giving feedback to the Eldership. What age bracket do you fall into? 0 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60 61+ None Is the Gospel message clearly communicated each week during the worship service? Always Very often Sometimes Rarely Never None This past week, I prayed (privately)... Always Very often Sometimes Rarely Never None Exchange Church shows the love of Christ in practical ways Always Very often Sometimes Rarely Never None In the past six months, my resolve to grow as a disciple of Jesus has... Grown greatly Grown somewhat Stayed the same Reduced somewhat Reduced Greatly None How comfortable are you in approaching one or more of the Elders to bring something to their attention? Very comfortable Moderatly comfortable Neutral Moderatly uncomfortable Very uncomfortable None Do you leave the worship services spiritually fed? Always Very often Sometimes Rarely Never None In the last six months, I have... (Choose one or more options) Shared my faith with an unbeliever Invited someone to church Served a poor or marginalised person Helped someone with physical or mental health issues Supported someone in a personal crisis Shown personal hospitality to another church member Served in a church ministry team Given money to the ministry of Exchange Church Given money to another Christian mission Given money to another charity New ministry ideas are normally appreciated and encouraged Always Very often Sometimes Rarely Never None I regularly practice the spiritual disciplines (prayer, Bible study, fasting, and meditation on the scriptures) Always Very often Sometimes Rarely Never None The Exchange Vision Plan 2025 aims to help us as a church grow and be a community of flourishing disciples tied to five values. Is there one or more of those values that you would like to be encouraged in developing? (Choose one or more options) God’s Word – understanding it better Prayer – God honouring prayer Community – valued and needed Mission and being a missional church Generosity in serving and giving In the past six months, my resolve to connect and grow people in Jesus, has... Grown greatly Grown somewhat Stayed the same Reduced somewhat Reduced Greatly None Do you feel engaged at Exchange Church? Extremely well Very well No opinion Somewhat well Not so well None How long have you been a Christian? Less than 1 year 1 to 2 years 3 to 5 years 6 to 10 years 11 to 20 years 21 to 30 years More than 30 years Unknown None How well do you understand the sermon message each week? Always Very often Sometimes Rarely Never None This past week, I read the Bible (privately)... Always Very often Sometimes Rarely Never None How connected do you feel at Exchange Church? Always Very often Sometimes Rarely Never None Exchange Church Eldership articulate the vision and achieve results Extremely well Very well No opinion Somewhat well Not so well None Do you feel welcomed at Exchange Church? Extremely welcomed Very welcomed No opinion Somewhat welcomed Not welcomed None The Elders of Exchange Church are available when needed Always Very often Sometimes Rarely Never None In the past six months what are the things that have helped you grow as a disciple of Jesus? (Choose one or more options) Reading the Bible Regular attending a Connect group Regular attending Exchange Church on Sundays Being more involved in a particular ministry area Are you kept informed regarding the general life of the Church? Extremely well Very well No opinion Somewhat well Not so well None I have a close enough relationship with at least one person in Exchange Church that I can discuss my deepest concerns with them... Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree None How well do you understand the mission of Exchange Church? Extremely well Very well No opinion Somewhat well Not so well None Exchange Church has a clear purpose and well-defined values Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree None I would describe my personal spiritual life as growing Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree None What do you most appreciate about being at Exchange Church? What are some ways that you think we could make our Church family more welcoming for new visitors? What spiritual areas of your life would you like Exchange Church to tackle to help you grow? What three independant words would you use to describe Exchange Church? What if anything would you Change / Do differently / Expand within Exchange Church? Is there anything else you would like us to know? Time's up