Good afternoon all,

It’s highly important that we see our sovereign Lord as the happiest and holy God that He is. God is full of perfect and abundant joy. Currently, we know mixed feelings and emotions of sadness and joy in this world due to our sinful state, but God who transcends all, dwells in perfect joy.

Psalm 16:11 (ESV) — 11 You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

To know that God is filled with joy is vitally important for us. This is so because in Jesus we are recipients of the overflow of this joy. In Christ when we are born again the Holy Spirit indwells us with joy, the joy of Jesus, joy of the gospel, and joy of the Spirit. This joy is experienced as we go deeper in Christ and most profoundly discovered in our hardest times of life. We are truly meant to enjoy God in every sense of the word.

What’s on this weekend at Exchange Church:

  • EC ladies, getting together on Saturday, October 5th, @ 7:00pm at the church.
  • EC Sunday gathering @ 10:00am.
    Don’t forget Sunday lunch this week. Plan now to stick around and continue the fellowship.
  • EC Gospel Partnership session 1 after the service this Sunday.

This week for our preaching we are back to our series “Being Transformed Into Fruitfulness” Habakkuk 3:1-19 JOY.

Please read through all of Habakkuk that’ll be helpful to set the scene for this week’s sermon.

Also, another reminder that daylight saving starts on Saturday night when we turn our clocks forward one hour.

In His joy,