Greetings EC Church,
This Friday the meeting notice is once again coming out from Admin while Todd and Laurel are enjoying a break in Queensland.
This Sunday July 28, our last at the Seniors Centre, we will have Sean Huggan speaking on the topic of A Relational life with Christ.
Bible reading is Ephesians 2: 1-10
The most important person in our life is Jesus Christ. Without Jesus we are lost, weak and hopeless. It doesn’t matter how much “good works” we do – if we don’t have a relationship with Him,
This week we will decipher the difference between living in a religious mindset, and living for a relationship with Christ, as we understand how to grow with Jesus and please Him in our faith.
This weekend is the last time at Shepparton Seniors Centre.
Join us this weekend for:
EC Youth Friday 7pm
EC Sunday gathering at 10am with Communion
Next week August 4th at 10am at Shepparton Harness Racing Club, Kialla
Save the dates:
August 4th – Next Sunday is our first service at our new venue at the Shepparton Harness Racing Club in Kialla with lunch following the service (bring and share). Shepparton Harness Racing Club – Bing Maps
October 18-20th – Church Camp at Kallara in the Strathbogies, more info to come later.
Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday for worship and fellowship. Stay and enjoy a chat with a cuppa after the service.
Blessings and warm regards, Di