Hello all,
Christmas comes and goes so quickly and now we begin to think of the coming year. Sometimes we wonder how I managed to get through this year. Where would I be without Jesus after all I’ve been through in 2024? Jesus is in the centre of everything and He is the one who carries us to the end.
Philippians 1:6 (ESV) — 6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
This is the foundation of every moment of every day that God has allotted for us. Jesus who has begun a good work in us will be utterly faithful to bring it to completion. We will receive all the grace we need to overcome this world and rejoice in Christ forever.
What’s on this weekend at Exchange Church:
- EC Sunday gathering @ 10:00am.
This Sunday Stephen Hickingbotham will be preaching from Philippians 3. His message will reflect on Philippians 3:7–16, Letting Go and Pressing Forward: The Call to Christ in 2025, where Paul encourages us to let go of past achievements and failures, and to focus on knowing Christ above all else. As we press on toward the goal of becoming more like Him, Paul calls us to a life of perseverance, maturity, and eternal perspective. With the New Year ahead, let’s resolve to pursue Christ with passion, leaving behind what is temporary and embracing the eternal prize He offers.
Please read through Philippians 3 to help set our minds in preparation for Sunday’s sermon.
In His grace,