Hello all,

Singing is a wonderful gift that the Lord has given us. It’s often an outlet to let our hearts open and express what’s inside of us or what we are feeling in the moment. To sing is to encourage our hearts to focus on Jesus and also to help prepare our hearts as we focus on Him. The Bible is full of songs for us to do this with.

1 Timothy 3:16 (ESV) — 16 Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness:
He was manifested in the flesh,
vindicated by the Spirit,
seen by angels,
proclaimed among the nations,
believed on in the world,
taken up in glory.

This is a song that Paul gives us in 1 Timothy 3. Here we see a creed or statement of faith that can be sung that gives us a picture of Jesus Christ. To sing this truth will focus and deepen faith in the love of Christ, and that in turn will help the gospel to build a stronger foundation for us to see Jesus as an immovable rock to stand on for all seasons of life.

What’s on this weekend at Exchange Church:

  • ECY Friday 7:00pm at the church.
  • EC Sunday gathering 10:00am.
    Our Christmas service with lunch to follow. Please be praying for all those you’ve invited to truly see and hear of Jesus.

This Sunday as we begin to focus on Christmas and the incarnation of Christ we’ll be in Luke 2:1-21 Jesus the Greatest Song of Christmas.

For Sunday’s sermon please read through Luke 1-2 to help focus our minds to hear from the Lord.

In His grace,