G’day friends,

The grace of God is mind-boggling. How and why would the sovereign creator of everything show and demonstrate divine love, mercy, and grace to people who are undeserving and unworthy? People who have a record of guilt, shame, and condemnation of sin are the very ones that He sends Jesus, His one and only Son to die for. That’s God’s grace.

Ephesians 2:8–9 (ESV) — 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

God’s grace isn’t about what we do and it’s not about the work we achieve in trying to earn something. Grace is the gift we humbly receive when we acknowledge who we are in our sinfulness and ask for God’s forgiveness. God delights to give us grace for His glory and our eternal good. God’s grace is amazing!

Here’s where we land this weekend at Exchange Church:

  • ECY Friday 7:00pm at the church.
    New Venue SHRC 7580 GV Highway Shepparton.
  • EC men –  bushwalk on Saturday. Contact Doug Andrews at doug@exchangechurch.org.au for more information.
  • EC Sunday gathering 10:00am
    New Venue SHRC 7580 GV Highway Shepparton.
  • EC Corporate prayer 5:00pm at the church.

This week for our Sunday sermon we’ll be in Judges 13 Astonishing Grace

Please read through Judges 13 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon.

In His grace,